Thursday, May 27, 2010

Shared Reviews

Yet another way to earn some easy money online.

Shared Reviews

What is SharedReviews?

SharedReviews is a social network for Content Authors that allows you publish articles and reviews in over 400 different categories. You gain notoriety for your work, and throw your hat in to earn from our Monthly Cash Rewards pool and Contests.

How do I make money?

SharedReviews is built around the experiences of our community. We collect those experiences and publish them online to drive readers interested in your work. In other words, by leveraging those experiences on the Internet, we're able to create actual monetary value around what you have to say that allows us to offer financial rewards to our top contributors.

How does this work?

SharedReviews is built on the simple idea that community comes first. Our community authors are so important that not only do we offer a chance to earn a portion of financial rewards we allocate to the community each month, their earnings are determined by how much effort they put into getting involved with SharedReviews by voting, socializing, and promoting their content on other sites.

Join SharedReviews