Inbox Dollars is a very easy way to earn a little spending money. You earn money by opening e-mail, playing games, and taking surveys. You can also earn by signing up fro different programs.
1. How can InboxDollars® reward me for my online activities?
Advertisers pay InboxDollars® to reach consumers like you. InboxDollars® shares the revenue we receive from advertisers with our Members. Your time and participation are valuable, so join now to be rewarded!
2. Does it cost anything to join InboxDollars®?
Absolutely not! InboxDollars® is 100% free to join. In fact, we pay you! Simply complete our Signup Form and we’ll credit your account $5.00 just for trying our service.
3. Can I really earn money for reading Emails from InboxDollars®?
Absolutely! Simply click the confirmation link in the Paid Emails® that InboxDollars® delivers to your Inbox. After clicking the confirmation link, your account will be credited instantly and you’ll be taken to our Advertiser’s web site.
4. How much Email will I receive?
InboxDollars® generally sends 2 or 3 Paid Emails® per day to our U.S. Members. If your account is active and you are not receiving regular Paid Emails®, please add to your email address book or contact list.
We make every effort possible to send Paid Emails® to Members outside the U.S., and while we welcome all Members, we can only guarantee regular Paid Emails® to our U.S. Members.
5. Do I have to sign up for stuff to earn money?
Most of the Paid Emails® that InboxDollars® sends to you will include an opportunity to earn additional money by taking advantage of the offer for the product or service that is being advertised. However, you will earn money for confirming the Paid Email® regardless of whether or not you take advantage of the offer being advertised.
Sign up! It's easy! Inbox Dollars